Urban Design is about establishing connections between people and places, movement and urban form, nature and the built fabric. It brings together the many aspects of place-making, sustainability and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and clear identity. Urban Design is about creating a vision for an area, then using suitable architecture and landscape design to bring the vision to life. It is about shaping the physical setting of life in different communities and involves the design of groups of buildings and spaces, thus establishing the processes that make successful development possible. Throughout 30+ years of expertise, UDC key members have gained a strong reputation in urban design, developing a large number of projects over different design levels, which range from the master planning of a whole urban community to the creation of a single space. The projects vary in locations, areas, typologies, design themes and life styles; covering a number of resorts inside and outside Egypt, residential compounds, sports clubs, commercial centers, and office parks to mention only a few. At UDC, we provide clients with masterplan solutions that match their aspirations and can be realized in today´s demanding economic environment. Using our multi-skilled resources, we achieve design visions that are underpinned by ease of movement, legibility of space, clear city branding, safety, sustainability and access to high-quality public spaces. Our philosophy seeks to create places that bring about a higher quality of life and economic vitality- above all attracting people to use and enjoy new environments.
Architecture is the art and science of building; addressing both viability and cost for the builder, as well as aesthetics and function for the user. It is about the creative manipulation and coordination of materials, forms and technology, with the aim of providing the spatial and shelter needs of people, thus deeply affecting their well-being, security and quality of living. Over the years, UDCmembers have designed and realized a large number of buildings, covering a wide range of typologies, such as single-family houses, apartment buildings, malls, offices, hotels, clubhouses, sports and educational buildings. UDC´s architecture mirrors clarity, as an expression of aesthetic beauty, as well as functionality and sustainability. By the creative organization of materials and components of mass, space, form, volume, texture, colour, light and shadow, we are continuously in search of the simplest way to design a structure, always keeping in mind the goal of achieving the highest functionality with the most basic elements and the most economic means.
Interior design is the art of creating indoor spaces. It is a multi-Faceted profession, in which aesthetic and technical skills are applied within a building- based on an understanding of architectural elements- to conceive an interior environment that fulfills the client’s needs and aspirations. Over the years, we have developed a number of interior design projects, including residential, hotel and office spaces, seeking appropriate solutions and applying them in a sensitive manner that promotes the welfare of our clients and improves the psychological and physical quality of their lives.
Landscaping is the design of outdoor, public and private spaces that are both visually striking and functional, achieving environmental, behavioral and aesthetic outcomes. The success of a design relies heavily on the systematic examination and understanding of the existing social, ecological, and geological conditions of the site. Landscaping is one of our core fields of work; it is about understanding the client’s objectives, and then applying our expertise to develop visionary and high quality design solutions. With our extensive experience over the past 30 years, we have produced a multitude of successful designs for small-scale and large-scale projects, ranging from the garden design. of single-family houses, to the landscape planning of new urban communities, resorts and business parks. Thanks to the use of cutting-edge technologies, every project is conceived, planned and viewed in advance, allowing no room for chance. We believe that each landscape design should enhance the overall architecture of the place, should provide a stimulating and aesthetically-pleasant environment, should respond elegantly to the functional requirements of the design program, and finally, should provide all this while meeting the client’s budget expectations. We offer the complete range of landscape services from schematic design to construction and tender documents, in addition to site supervision and construction management. At UDC, we design, with the same passion and precision, small private urban gardens and large landscape solutions for public spaces and compounds. We work as a team, taking into consideration the relationships between buildings and their surroundings, the topography, walls, roads, and planting. We are aware of the influence exerted by climate, and the relationships of earth, plants, water and building materials to create an architectural landscape integrated with the natural and man-made environment.
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